Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yesterday of Yesterdays

I'm having a hard time writing a post today.
Maybe because I had a yesterday of yesterdays!!!

You know sometimes you wake up - life is good!
You go to bed at night and think .... what just happened??

Had one of those

Yesterdays like that always bleed into the next day ...

so today I woke up - late
(day off work &
still fighting that stupid, snotty cold thing)
drank some coffee
went to the chiropractor
called my friend who's a therapist
met a friend for lunch and coffee
came home had chocolate cake
sat down at my computer and have since tried to write...

that's it so far

And that's ok

Sometimes, just sometimes that's all we can do.

Wake up and breathe and move and pray
oh ya - I forgot that part
I've had quite a few conversations with God throughout my whole day, while driving, interspersed with bites of chocolate cake

There won't be much more to this day I'm afraid.
my heart can't hold more
my head can't compute more
my body is saying "no more!"

Not sure what tomorrow will bring
what calls I will get or information I will learn but

isn't today enough?

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