Thank God for the day off!
I did it …
It's been 30 years since this chick has held down a full-time PAID job
(did you like that? I said "paid" ... I've been working people, just not getting the big bucks for it)
A get-up-early,
pack a lunch,
office pot-luck,
behind the desk,
data-entry job
Other than the burning in my neck, my butt killing me … and
one Very bad day at work!
I think it went well
But I have to say - This working full-time and running a house is for the birds. Some things will have to go by the way side, that's for sure.
In an effort to "simplify" life so that my home and family are richer,
I've been getting up a little earlier to get my head and heart in the right place.
I'm a lazy person at heart.
I love my sleep
I love going to bed early
I love sleeping in
Let's just say, lack of sleep is not my friend.
That's why God created that day off I'm tellin' ya!
He wrapped it up and called it a sabbath
I accept that gift from above with a full heart today!!
I've been getting up a little earlier to get my head and heart in the right place.
I'm a lazy person at heart.
I love my sleep
I love going to bed early
I love sleeping in
Let's just say, lack of sleep is not my friend.
That's why God created that day off I'm tellin' ya!
He wrapped it up and called it a sabbath
I accept that gift from above with a full heart today!!
Keep on working on my friends who "run the house and parent your children while having a full-time job"! (just saying that was exhausting)
And accept the gift of a day off!
And accept the gift of a day off!
Happy weekend!!