It's not an argument
It's not a fight
It just is!
WHY hasn't Someone Told me ThIs BEFORE!!!!
Instead of screaming in irritation I have to be honest
I feel like I've always known this
But yesterday
talking to a friend on the phone
I heard it for the "first" time, again
It's not an argument
It's not a fight
It just is!
How brilliant.
Don't get me wrong,
There is time for conversation and feedback.
There's time to listen, even when what they say is completely irrational
They are definitely allowed to have an opinion
But THEY - our children
sometimes they just need to be told
It just is!!
If you're a parent and you're reading this… you probably didn't taking Parenting 101 either otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered to open up this post. Those parents have it all figured out.
So you're probably a parent, or soon to be parent, who feels stuck, completely powerless, or scared spitless. Maybe you've blown it like me (perceived or real), or afraid you will.
This next step for me (us) in parenting really goes back to the first one that I must have forgotten.
No matter how much my little boy squirmed, the nurse needed to give him his shot.
No matter how hard my little girl cried, I needed to get her in that lukewarm tub in order to get that fever down.
No matter how scared he was on his first day of school, we needed to walk in together and give it a try.
No matter how confused he was, he needed to stay in the hospital and I had to walk away ...
No matter how hard it is to grow up - they have to grow up!
The option to that is, well...
no option at all.
The emotion behind all of this is so real, but it can't always be emotionally driven.
Some things are necessary.
Whether the situation is life and death or
as foggy and uncertain for some as to how to mature and grow
I have to do this
It's not going to be an argument
It's not going to be a fight
It Just Is!!!
(Thanks for listening … I feel much better now.)
It's not a fight
It just is!
WHY hasn't Someone Told me ThIs BEFORE!!!!
Instead of screaming in irritation I have to be honest
I feel like I've always known this
But yesterday
talking to a friend on the phone
I heard it for the "first" time, again
It's not an argument
It's not a fight
It just is!
How brilliant.
Don't get me wrong,
There is time for conversation and feedback.
There's time to listen, even when what they say is completely irrational
They are definitely allowed to have an opinion
But THEY - our children
sometimes they just need to be told
It just is!!
If you're a parent and you're reading this… you probably didn't taking Parenting 101 either otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered to open up this post. Those parents have it all figured out.
So you're probably a parent, or soon to be parent, who feels stuck, completely powerless, or scared spitless. Maybe you've blown it like me (perceived or real), or afraid you will.
This next step for me (us) in parenting really goes back to the first one that I must have forgotten.
No matter how much my little boy squirmed, the nurse needed to give him his shot.
No matter how hard my little girl cried, I needed to get her in that lukewarm tub in order to get that fever down.
No matter how scared he was on his first day of school, we needed to walk in together and give it a try.
No matter how confused he was, he needed to stay in the hospital and I had to walk away ...
No matter how hard it is to grow up - they have to grow up!
The option to that is, well...
no option at all.
The emotion behind all of this is so real, but it can't always be emotionally driven.
Some things are necessary.
Whether the situation is life and death or
as foggy and uncertain for some as to how to mature and grow
I have to do this
It's not going to be an argument
It's not going to be a fight
It Just Is!!!
(Thanks for listening … I feel much better now.)