Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Beautiful yet abandoned Children of Romania...Part 1

Twenty years ago today (give or take a month ... or six)
    Norb, my adorably handsome man, and I went on our very first trip to Romania.
We landed, excited, but very unprepared, in the city of Bucharest, the capital.
It was spring, the weather was mild, yet the country was …. sad

It was a very sad place twenty years ago.
It was a very sad place sixteen years ago
             with some hope sprinkled in
      when we went for the second time.

But that first visit.
Our friend Angie had moved to Bucharest, Romania a few years earlier after hearing about the children of the sewers. She was to be our guide, a friend to these sweet, abandoned, soot-covered children.
What we saw in the next few days was unlike anything we could fathom
Writing about it in this blog seems trite … words won't express it, I'm afraid
        but as I write
        and then, when I post this
I pray that the reader (and I) will be moved
                        will be awakened, if need be
          and will act - in some way - for some child - somewhere

Walking the streets of Bucharest those cool spring evenings, so many years ago
       with a backpack full of sandwiches
      and our huge video camera on our shoulder
What we were about to see, and who we were about to meet, would forever change our hearts.
That huge video camera
    (way before digital, small and indiscrete)
       attracted quite a bit of attention.
The sandwiches were obviously a big hit.
We were thrilled to be there,
    not the, there's the Disneyland sign… we're here!! kind of thrilled
    not the whew!! there's one more piece of chocolate cake left!
or the
    someone else is cooking dinner tonight elation
It's more of the
      giving food to someone who was actually hungry
              (not just someone who wanted more food)
      kind of thrilled
It was the kind of elation where your hug, your smile, your attention or your sandwich actually could have made a life or death difference that day

There was a problem though.
These were kids.
homepageslides.jpg (698×140)
The kids weren't the problem but the fact that they were (are) children…
    seriously people,
          they shouldn't be begging for a meal
    They shouldn't be without a bed
    They should never have to say no one would know if I was alive or dead

Stepping out of that van, they came...
     they came from around every corner
     running down the street, or across the railroad tracks
     climbing out of holes in the ground
filthy dirty
often shoeless
many addicted
obviously starving -- for food and for love.

What we saw - what I saw over the few days we were there,
    my words just aren't giving it due justice.
My heart - it didn't just break - it went in to shock

Our first night out, we watched as a beautiful little boy dug through the garbage can at the train station
     right beside a food vendor.
He reaches in and finds an empty ketchup bottle.
    But not so empty that he can't put it to his mouth and squeeze the last drops out.
That food vendor yells at him… swears at him in Romanian. Would have hit him if he were a couple of inches closer
Wow! That was and continues to be so confusing
         --- to my heart and my mind.
I couldn't grasp what I saw then and I can't compute it now, 20 years later

Another cool evening.
We had visited the train station, again - crossed over to the other side of an abandoned line of train tracks.
We walked around the city of Bucharest looking for Angie's "kids" - children that adored her because she came, night after night, hugging them, caring for them, feeding them
Once again our backpack full of food
      we walked down a dark, lightless street
      so dark
      so lonely
There she was - a little girl. That's all, just one little girl.
Angie bent down to say hello, asked her in Romanian what her name was,
           how old she was
                who she was with and where she had come from.

A little girl. Alone.

She couldn't have been older than seven years old. She was small enough to be five or six. It was May. It was a very cool spring evening on the streets of Bucharest. It was after midnight!
Her little dress and little shoes... they were not enough.
I don't remember her name
I don't remember her exact age
I don't remember

The whole scenario was like watching a clip from some movie set back in an era that I just couldn't relate to - some horrific story about children being left alone in some far away place. A story that was being told so that we would be shocked while being entertained.
This was not academy award stuff
This was happening in front of me.
That sweet, darling little girl was alone,
         and I regret saying that we left her - alone.

The crazy part is, in that moment, what were we to do?
We didn't live there, in Romania.
We didn't have the option of (legally) bundling her up, bringing her home with us to California.
There wasn't a girl's home in Bucharest (yet*) to bring her home to, and sad to say the orphanages weren't always the best option (overworked and overwhelmed)
It feels so lame to say this
    I'm risking here, hoping that you won't be moved to rebuke or scold.
    Or then again, go ahead
          because maybe I deserve scolding, for not being "brave enough" to take her with me.
Anyway, I took off my socks
       my long adult-sized socks.
I put them on her little feet
       under her little shoes.
I took off my flannel shirt, my very large shirt
      put it over her little dress.
I rolled up the sleeves, those long over-sized sleeves.
Angie was talking with her the whole time.
          where do you live? are you with anyone?
I have to tell you I don't even remember much about that or much that happened afterwards.
All I know is … we walked away.
   She was abandoned by her parents.
   She was abandoned by her siblings.
   She was abandoned by a broken society.
Put on a train in another part of this beautiful but very sad country
At the end of the track she got off.
She had nobody. Nobody!!!

to be continued ...

* Response to emergencies should go faster, but frustratingly, it often takes an agonizingly amount of time. It takes money, resources, property and people. Since we first visited over 20 years ago I'm thrilled to report that Angie's kids have a place to call home. Soon after we visited, Children's Relief Network opened both boys and girls homes in Romania, caring for the abandoned children of a country broken by dictatorship many decades earlier.

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Angie's Kids

Friday, October 31, 2014

FREAK OUT or ... pray

peace the warrior

A few years ago I was reading a really good book, the kind of really good book that you read over and over again.
I came across a couple of paragraphs
       -- I'd read them before, in fact many befores --
but this time they stopped me in my tracks
    changed my life, or maybe it was my perception of my life and how to handle it
Let's just say it gave me options on how to work through this life that I've been gifted with

As I've made perfectly clear in my blog, I most certainly don't have it all together
     Sure my life is beautiful 
          It's even beautiful when it's not beautiful (stick with me here ...)
And  those times of  not so beautiful
 .... that's when those options kick in

Here .. let me paraphrase that "something" from that book 

Don't be anxious or freaked out about anything {at least not for too long}
   ~~~ don't leave me here, it gets better ~~~
Instead of melting down in all of those beautiful and not so beautiful moments
  try something new
That's it ... really pray about the ugly, the scary, the unknown
And there's more
While you're at that Praying - Thank Him
        Thank God He's there for you,
        Thank God He knows you
  if all you can do is thank Him you're breathing...then
        Thank Him for breath
And that Praying ... really spell it out to God. He can handle it.
Tell Him what you need,
    tell Him what's wrong
        how screwed up it is
        how terrifying it is
        how absolutely impossible to is to understand what to do next
                 or live with what might come next
     the possibilities are freaking you out!!!
Don't over think it
   Don't over analyze it
Just give Him your order,
    Give Him your request
   ~~~ Told you it gets better ~~~
Then you know what happens next???
 ... while you're listening
   {prayer=conversation ... talking AND listening}
{You do realize this whole praying, petitioning, thanking, begging is not usually a  five-minute Hail Mary moment - This is serious talking to God about serious stuff so slow down a bit - breathe - listen}
Heart-soothing, blood-pressure calming
    sometimes slamming
    other times drizzling
        over your body - through your soul - Peace
This Peace - it won't make sense - it just doesn't make sense - not supposed to make sense
You won't understand this warrior
peace the warrior
   Protector of your Heart, the Guardian of your Soul
It will cover your very being, will keep your mind, your heart
Peace will shield you from despair,
   protect you from that beast called anxiety that is able to consume our very being.
Peace will guard your mind and your heart, in Jesus, the Christ

You're welcome ...


Monday, October 27, 2014

Pneumonia. I don't like you so go away...

Netflix bingeing
   boxes and boxes of Kleenex 
             and sleep
 throw in a little Hulu (ok - a lot)
      cup after cup of green tea
            and a few doctor's visits
That has been my life for the last 17 days

I know I'm not feeling well when I don't even want to bake.
I know I'm sick when I don't get up until 10 ... on a good day.

But today, I'm back to work.
I don't have much energy because pneumonia thinks it needs to hang out for awhile longer, despite the extremely large doses of antibiotics I took for 11 days.
But I'm back at a desk, with a foggy brain and a thermos full of green tea.

It happens to be a slow day here at work, before a very busy week ahead.
For that I am grateful.
My parents have offered to bring us dinner tonight
For that I am extremely grateful.
I'm the only one in my house that has pneumonia (I think) and I'm definitely thankful for that cause well, this just sucks!

So people,
   get your flu shot
   drink your tea
   take your vitamins
   wash your hands
and if none of that works then just grab your blanket, your vaporizer and your juice.
I promise not to tell anyone that you watched every episode of Seasons 1 and 2 of Gilmore Girls ... your secret's safe with me.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

[insert name]

"He who created you, o [Jacob]…
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; 
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
…Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you [Jacob],
Do not be afraid, for I am with you [Jacob]
…Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and and streams in the wasteland…
But now listen, O [Jacob]…whom I have chosen.
This is what the Lord says - He who made you,
who formed you in the womb, and who will help you:
Do not be afraid, o [Jacob], my servant…
For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring,
and my blessing on your descendants."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's my birthday…. a month ago

I am no longer 50 … I've jumped to the dark-side
   I'm officially IN my 50's
   Half a century… plus a little
   Over the hill!!!!!
Sophie & Grandma! (Sophie's the cute, bald one)
I have grey hair.
I add color to my hair to make those greys a little less … not grey
  But I'm NOT covering up that silver completely any more
(thank you Natalie)
I'm rockin' the grey people!

My face is now
   … let's just say it's not tight any more
It looks a little older cause, well, I am older.
  What? who said that?
Hold on - it' get's worse

I have a gut.
I don't mean I have "guts"
   like I'm brave or something.
I mean my stomach is pretending I'm pregnant when all y'all know that's an impossibility
Don't laugh… at least not to my face
My body just ain't what it used to be
          and well, here I stand
    on my self-proclaimed soap box of a blog to say,
I'm okay with that
    most of the time…

I am aging, that's the story.
I'm a grandma - this I love!!!

I wear glasses to type, to read and to knit.
Yep!  I knit and I love it.

I laugh really loud, maybe louder than ever before.
Because, you know what? I just don't care what my friends, children or even strangers think!
I cackle … wow I'm getting pretty transparent here
I think I even like my laugh now.
I used to burst out
     at very inappropriate times (used to??)
         and feel a little awkward.
Now I burst out, at very inappropriate times
          and feel awkward? not so much

It's good to feel contentment.
It's good to have a birthday, because well … that means I'm alive
   and right now I'm so grateful for Life!

Yay for birthdays (that last longer than a month)!
   Boo for clothes that don't fit …
(sorry - a little relapse)
Yay for gluten-free donuts (my life :-(!
Yay for laughing ... and cackling
Happy Birthday to me

Saturday, September 27, 2014

To all my friends who Run the House and Parent your Children all while having a Full-Time Job!

Thank God for the day off!

I did it …
It's been 30 years since this chick has held down a full-time PAID job
(did you like that? I said "paid" ... I've been working people, just not getting the big bucks for it)

I just completed 3 weeks in a row, for goodness sake
A get-up-early, 
 pack a lunch, 
   office pot-luck, 
     behind the desk, 
       data-entry job

Other than the burning in my neck, my butt killing me … and
one Very bad day at work!
I think it went well

But I have to say - This working full-time and running a house is for the birds. Some things will have to go by the way side, that's for sure. 
In an effort to "simplify" life so that my home and family are richer,
I've been getting up a little earlier to get my head and heart in the right place.

I'm a lazy person at heart.
I love my sleep
I love going to bed early
I love sleeping in
Let's just say, lack of sleep is not my friend.
That's why God created that day off I'm tellin' ya!
He wrapped it up and called it a sabbath
I accept that gift from above with a full heart today!!

Keep on working on my friends who "run the house and parent your children while having a full-time job"! (just saying that was exhausting)
And accept the gift of a day off!
Happy weekend!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

30 Years Together! What?!?

A week ago, while checking in to our Bed & Breakfast
to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary...
gaspare you kidding me!?!
                 Married for 30 blasted years!!!

      the innkeeper said to me...
"Thirty years. Wow! You'll have to tell me later what your secret is."
That got me to thinking.
What is the secret to 30 years of marriage?
and how did I get this old?
~~a week later~~

I don't think it's just one thing,
or even a secret at all
First of all, we've worked at it -  really, really worked at it.
2. It is HARD work a lot of the time
3. It's worth it.. and you have to believe that

4. We spend time together.
5. I never let my mind imagine life without him.
6. I like that we've passed the romantic expectations.
7. I love it when we have romantic moments.

8. Honesty is so important
9. Not saying everything I'm thinking is so important.

10. Finding my self-worth in who God made me to be takes the pressure off of us.

11. I can't change him (Norb) … I have to work on me.

12. We pray together, we really do - not nearly often enough but definitely often.
13. We still date, we really do - not nearly often enough but definitely often.

14. He doesn't bring me flowers very often … oh well.
15. I don't like wearing sexy stuff to bed … oh well.

16. We hold hands.
17. I'm happy to invite him out on date… or even book the Bed & Breakfast

18. I don't tell him how to cut his hair and he doesn't tell me how to color mine.

19. Therapy for me and therapy for us … it's worth the money

20. Vacations together … it's worth the money

21. Our kids mean too much to us for us to not mean the world to each other!!
Our kids & their Mama
Sophie & her Mama

22. Laughing.

23. I purposely preserve our friendship as the number one.
24. I purposely have great friendships that I work on. I love my girlfriends!
25. He purposely loves to do guy things with his guy friends.
26. If either one of us feels ignored we make sure we talk it through, work on it.

27. Netflix, coffee & dessert!!!!!

28. Forgiving even when we haven't worked it all out
29. Kissing … almost forgot that one but I'm positive he wouldn't ;-)

30. The more I fall in love with my Creator, the more love I have for Norb.

Some of these seem silly to post because,
              well, they are so obvious.
Yet, while writing it down I realized that
    sometimes it's the most obvious things we miss.
    sometimes it's the simplest stuff,
            like giving each other a break.
            like holding on for a few days, weeks or even months
                believing this relationship storm will pass.
       Or like committing to something that you've made a commitment to.
See what I mean? Kind of obvious.

I'm almost done here … bear with me.

Work … seems to be a common theme
Most of the 30 I've posted have to do with me
  not because marriage is single-minded
    but because only I can deal with I.
If I try to lay the heavy on him all the time then we're screwed.

Hey … now that you're done, go back and re-read #30.
Cause after all my yammering here … there you have it.
The secret to 30 that is no longer a secret!!

Norb… Here's to 30 more.  I love you!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Try screaming … it helps sometimes.

I broke my shoulder!
Yep … this 50-year-old body catapulted itself onto a sidewalk. It's like my feet and my legs were laughing at me saying, Nice try! You're 50 no matter what you think or say.

The irony is, I had recently posted a blog post entitled
when life doesn't do what it's supposed to ...
Seriously, who breaks their arm while running?
My shoulder, folks, slammed in to the sidewalk that my feet were supposed to be hitting.
It was like I flipped upside down or something.
If it didn't hurt so much it would have been one of those
crazy lady sitting on the sidewalk all bruised up, all by herself, laughing herself into a cackle-frenzy!
Instead it was,
crazy lady, sitting on the sidewalk, screaming for help, screaming in pain, screaming!

I have to say, I didn't realize that my reaction to sudden injury and extreme pain
(I birthed two children - without drugs)
is to scream loudly.
Not just initially while sprawled out on the sidewalk after sliding in a water/mud puddle,
not just when I reached for my phone trying to text somebody to come pick me up off of the concrete,
not even just when my sister showed up, very quickly I might add,
but pretty much all the way to ER... don't judge!
And let it be said that two bicyclists and at least a couple of cars whizzed on by, before she showed up, with nary a thought to help me. I guess now that I write it down I realize I was looking pretty loony … but seriously folks. It hurt!!!

So … I've been absent from my blog. I've been absent from writing my book (just kidding, I'm not writing a book. I just like to say that. It makes me feel important). Broken shoulders and typing just don't jive … at all. But I'm healing pretty well. I can almost put my hair up all by myself. I can now brush my teeth, use a fork and write my name with relative ease. Just don't ask me to throw something your way. My, does that look stupid …

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Live Generously and Do Good…I Dare You!!!

You know we've all done it

The person is holding the sign
"homeless and hungry
will work for food"

Either you drive by and barely notice
     You drive by and are irritated that they don't have a job
             or wonder if it's a scam
     You drive by and feel guilty that you didn't stop
     You drive by and just don't know what to do.

Then there's the cool Facebook post about the amazing person who is doing awesome work in some far away country. You think
     "Wow - glad they went.  I couldn't do that???"

Or you're at work
           someone told you about the person who recently adopted
                or were thinking about being foster parents.
Something inside of you reacted.
Maybe you thought
  "not everyone's called to that kind of thing"
  "they must be super-parents or crazy or …"
you might have even told yourself
   "some day, when I have my act together..."  (insert laugh here)
   "when my other kids are older"
             when, when, when

The thing about doing good is usually this …
    Do Good, right now!
Doing good isn't thinking good thoughts
It isn't making good plans
It isn't even a number on that grand ole Bucket List… some day I will

Doing good is just that
Someone rushes in front of you at the grocery store and "steals" your spot in line.
  Let them take it, smile and tell them to have a great day

The person who is working behind the counter is rude, ignorant really.
  Thank them for their time, say a prayer for yourself and then for them (just maybe they are having one of those days, months or even years)

Live Generously! You keep meaning to drop off that food, or make that call, or text that person, or make that meal.

And, back to that guy and his sign
   or that family standing there with their children
       really they shouldn't put their children through that, ahhh
   Stop your car, walk over to where they are, shake their hand and ask their name
(do you dare give them a hug?)
   Maybe you can't hand them money, but you can hand them dignity and a kind word

…I dare you


Friday, May 23, 2014

When life doesn't do what it's supposed to … what's up with that?

It doesn't always end up like you planned it.
That's the thing with life.

Months ago (or is it years already) I wrote about our Planned Parenthood fail
No, the failure wasn't that we aren't parents because we definitely are
       or the children that God gave us
They are #awesome!!!!

The Fail was in the planning part,
    the ability to even think I could have any control
        when, how many, boys or girls
Didn't end up being a failure I guess, but a perfectly orchestrated, brought-together family.

But here's to that control thing…
I have none!
There - I said it!

I can imagine what raising kids should be like, how smooth it should be or where the bumps should show up.
But dang it! It's just not that simple
It's hard growing up in the most "perfect" of circumstances, let alone when you've been struggling your whole life.

Believe me, I'm a realist, don't get shocked too much anymore (not sure that's great)
And I can't say this is shock or surprise here. Just an "are you kidding me?" kind of day … week … month!

I think I'm actually, slowly, step by step, surrendering control of that
But once in a while
Life knocks hard at you, pushes you around, gives you a "what the …?"

So I needed to rant a bit.
I think this post would have been much more juicy if I gave you the details.
Let's just say this. There have been a couple of ER visits, one car accident, a very large gathering in my home that went … should I say, sideways … fast! One drug withdrawal (mine - no I'm not addicted to anything, at least I didn't think so and if I told you what and why I was taking it you would say "what the…?" as well)

And on a serious note (that was the lightweight stuff)
    ongoing physical symptoms that are looking pretty dang scary for one of mine.

We have joined a few more "clubs" this last month, can relate to a few more people out there, have prayed consistently, struggled nonstop and surrendered over and over.

Life just isn't that simple.
And I just wish someone had told me that earlier.
That's all
Rant over
Hug a kid today, yours or someone else's
Just, make sure you hug a kid!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Parenting 101

It's not an argument
It's not a fight
It just is!

WHY hasn't Someone Told me ThIs BEFORE!!!!

Instead of screaming in irritation I have to be honest
I feel like I've always known this
But yesterday
  talking to a friend on the phone
  I heard it for the "first" time, again

It's not an argument
It's not a fight
It just is!

How brilliant.

Don't get me wrong,
     There is time for conversation and feedback.
     There's time to listen, even when what they say is completely irrational
     They are definitely allowed to have an opinion

But THEY - our children
     sometimes they just need to be told
     It just is!!

If you're a parent and you're reading this… you probably didn't taking Parenting 101 either otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered to open up this post. Those parents have it all figured out.
So you're probably a parent, or soon to be parent, who feels stuck, completely powerless, or scared spitless. Maybe you've blown it like me (perceived or real), or afraid you will.

This next step for me (us) in parenting really goes back to the first one that I must have forgotten.

No matter how much my little boy squirmed, the nurse needed to give him his shot.
No matter how hard my little girl cried, I needed to get her in that lukewarm tub in order to get that fever down.
No matter how scared he was on his first day of school, we needed to walk in together and give it a try.
No matter how confused he was, he needed to stay in the hospital and I had to walk away ...

No matter how hard it is to grow up - they have to grow up!
The option to that is, well...
                no option at all.

The emotion behind all of this is so real, but it can't always be emotionally driven.
Some things are necessary.
Whether the situation is life and death or
      as foggy and uncertain for some as to how to mature and grow

I have to do this

It's not going to be an argument
It's not going to be a fight
It Just Is!!!

(Thanks for listening … I feel much better now.)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Beautiful, Tortured Mind

Looping thoughts that won't turn off
Someone sings a song that you can't stand
then it's stuck
stuck in your mind and you find yourself singing it all day long

I wish it was as irritating as that
   as simple as a silly diddy looping in your head.

Dark, looming thoughts,
you want to scream at them
except those thoughts are in your head, and it doesn't usually help to scream at yourself

Then for some reason you hit your arm, or bump in to something
It's real, it grounds you with the present
It distracts

Distraction is good when those thoughts just won't leave
A cut
longer each time
each time there's a sense of now
   an escape from the incessant thinking

It soothes for a moment
It releases something that tells you, so briefly, I'm gonna make it

The problem is, just like the looping mind, the thoughts that won't turn off
The Cut is not enough
Never quite enough
So you cut more, scrape a little deeper, a little longer, a little more often

The diseases of the mind are so complex,
  and so varied,
  and so real,
  and so painful,
  and so affect every person on this planet. If you're living and breathing you have been impacted by this - that I promise.
   First impressions, there's much more to a situation or person then we see at first glance.
That's the thing with mental illness, It's often invisible. To the casual observer, the person may appear to have it "all together." Yet when the symptoms flare up they are usually misunderstood,
   horrendously bullied
   often feared
   definitely misjudged over and over again!

To all of you who live with a tortured mind
I honor you for your bravery
  For surviving the days you have survived
  For excepting help when you can
You are loved by the Father … and you are loved by me

Thursday, April 17, 2014

dancing in the mud

gravel, sand & molasses
we pretend we're at a spa,
mixing with our feet
exfoliating, cooling our bodies down in an otherwise almost unbearable arid climate
   thanks for dancing with me sweet Caiti

we've planned
we've traveled
we've arrived in a beautiful country
           beautiful people who need a hand up

tiptoeing barefoot over rocks, scooting past a chicken
making room for a duck and her brother,
     I walk around a bush to find the water hose
the mud is stubborn, paints the heel, gets in between the toes
a friend bends down to help me wash … one foot at a time
  thanks Dina for not even hesitating

bricks soaked in water
laid out with purpose, but simply placed, quickly completed

it's like chocolate frosting, filling in the cracks with homemade concrete
adding a little bit more on one side when we realize the cement slab,
             or is it the dirt floor?
                                                isn't quite level

spreading the "gravel, sand & molasses" with work gloves on
deciding to abandon the work gloves because
     it's like a spa for the hands, the mud gets under the fingernails, cool to the touch
   thanks for frosting the "chocolate cake" with me Michael

sweat drips down my back, down my face
I'm enclosed in a small "kitchen" 
floor and walls covered in soot
smoke lingering from the morning fire where tortillas were cooked for breakfast
someone reaches over and wipes the sweat away
   thank you beautiful Rachel

we stop, there's a breeze
we stop and laugh because the simple breeze feels so good for just a moment
     in the heat that, to us, is unbearable
no fan - no air conditioning - no ice-filled glass of water
   a simple breeze that makes us smile

when we leave this place we leave behind a stove
     not a beautiful six-burner stove with an extra-large capacity oven
a simple stove
for a family with simple, but very profound needs

the "pilot light" is lit
    twigs, scrap paper, branches have been stuffed inside the small cavern that we have made so diligently, literally with the sweat of our brow
we have been given an opportunity
     build a stove that will alleviate a bit of the pain
     build a stove that will supply a safer way to cook
        a little bit of wisdom shared that can maybe give them
                   give their children
            a better quality of life
less coughing, less wheezing, maybe less need for medical care

hauling, shoveling, lifting, soaking
sweating, laughing, crying, dancing
   thanks John for leading

*Click on the Link below if you're interested in dancing in the mud
EcoStoves by Enlace El Salvador

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

no coincidence

I don't pretend to understand why some have so much, while others have so little. Why I can go to a doctor when I'm sick, why my child has access to a dentist, or immunizations, or a full pantry, while some have never seen a dentist, couldn't afford a doctor if they could even travel the distance to a hospital. They don't have a pantry or even know what it is,  just food for that meal, if they're lucky.

I don't understand why some are lonely, surrounded by throngs of people in a city center somewhere in the world, but feel profoundly alone! And others are irritated because they wish their family wouldn't call so much, or drop by unannounced (sounds pitiful doesn't it?).

Our countries may not be the same.
Our cultures may be vastly different.
You may have activated the translate button because we don't speak or write the same language.
Our circumstances might be polar opposite
     As opposite as Finland is to Malaysia
     Or Russia is to California

But, here we are
No coincidence
The same Creator
The same hollowness of heart that can only be filled with the One, Jesus
Whether that Name is as familiar to you as a warm hug
Or as foreign to you as a full pantry
Or you are not even sure how to pronounce it …

One thing I know, His name is above every other name, greater than any thing you have ever heard before or could imagine.

He is the God of the Philippines, Germany, New Zealand, Honduras.
He is right there for you in Spain, Uganda, Poland, France, Thailand

It is no coincidence that you are reading my blog.
We have all been given an opportunity of eternal life, with our Father in Heaven.

Because my God, so loved the entire world,
that He gave Himself, His Son
So that whoever believes in the Son
Will not die forever, but have eternal life.
God didn't send His Son to the world to condemn us
But so that we could be saved, restored, loved, forgiven!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

i love my new friends

i want you to meet Ashley, Albert, Guadalupe, and sweet Haley
         brown-eyed Angel and her big brother George
            The Boys … Xavier, Brandon and Felipe

there are dozens more, but this is good enough for now

they range in age from 5 months to 14 years old

     we love playing Play-doh together ...
                    (i make a cool snake, and an amazing snowman)

     we love to eat food …
              but, they have to show up at a park with their parents on a Sunday
                      and wait for the nice church people to give their family food 
               or they stand in line with food stamps to get their weekly rations
               or they ask the very caring social worker if it's snack time yet
          … i just go to Costco or Trader Joe's and buy all the food and snacks my heart desires 

    we love to watch Madagascar or The Incredibles together, or even a good chick flick

    we love to hang with friends
              but, they have to wait for hours in a park to get new-old clothes
                      when they'd rather hang at the mall, play in the park
                               or just be safe in a home to call their own
         …. i just text my friends and say "wanna get coffee and a gluten-free donut?"

    we all love to sleep in a warm safe place, and be loved by our parents and family 

some of my new friends have very loving parents who want the best for their kids, 
               but language or culture,
                        illness, or even the law has added to the weight of growing up
        addiction, abuse, neglect or abandonment are something they are all too familiar with

kids should not be waiting in a park all day
                      where drug addicts are sleeping off a binge
                      waiting for a fix, tweaking
                      or freaking out from a bad trip

kids should not be so scared in their own home
                so familiar with violence that they've figured out,
                     by two years old,
                where to hide, what not to say, be invisible

they should not have to be taken from their neighborhood, their school, their friends

they should not be afraid of their mom, or not even know who their mom is

BUT this is reality … today
                 in Orange County
                 in Vancouver
                 in Germany, Finland, Thailand, New Zealand, Mexico, Russia, Great Britain ...

I love my new friends!
Some of them live in a place where beautiful people care for children who cannot go back to their own homes - in order to keep them safe. These little ones (and bigger ones too) are waiting for a family to take them to a safe place to live, with their own bed, a fridge to go to to have snacks, and "parents" who bring them to school, take them on vacation, give them birthday gifts.

Some of them live with their parents, or grandparents.
They live in tenement housing or apartments.
They do have shelter and somewhere to sleep - though rarely a bed of their own.
They live with their parents, or a mom or a grandma, who struggle to have enough money for a bus ride, let alone a school uniform.
Weekly they show up at a park,
     not a "beautiful flowers, jungle gym, baseball field" kind of park,
The kind where the bruised and the wounded of the mind sleep, where the addicted, abandoned and broken of our society choose to call home, a tarp to call their bed.
These kids hang out there for hours.
It's what their weekend consists of
      hoping people will show up with meals, water bottles, pizzas, sandwiches, clothes or even shoes in their actual size.

I love my new friends.

Playing Play-doh is a start,
Giving them a hug with one arm and a sandwich with the other,
Asking them their name, and really wanting to know it,
Letting them practice their English while I practice my Spanish,
Feeding them vegetables when all they've had is fried, sugary food,
Holding them and saying good night when they are crying and don't want you to leave cause they're scared of the dark.

I guess it's something
       for me it's not quite enough...
But it's a start.

I love my new friends.

Foster Care - One Family's Story
Foster Care - Another Family's Story
CASA Court Advocate for Children
Orangewood Children's Home - Orange County

Go make some friends today.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The letter ...

I think I was around 9 or 10 years old
I was home from school at lunchtime (it was the 70's)
My mom was in the kitchen, I was sitting in the family room watching the Flintstones or Brady Bunch while eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Then I heard it.

It was a sound I had never heard before
   I had never been touched by anything so raw
                                                       so mournful
                                              so filled with pain

My mom
    my beautiful mother.
       She was one of two kids, twins, a boy and a girl
(I always imagined that I would have twins some day… I really had wanted that huge Brady Bunch, Waltons kind of family)

My mom's twin brother, Uncle Albert, was a tall, handsome, blonde, football player-built kind of man.
I don't have many memories of him.
But I do remember he was quiet and gentle ...and tall

My uncle was not a man who chose to stay put … he traveled, lived in many places.
He was a wanderer.
Maybe that's a symptom.
    He just wasn't physically in our lives very often.

Back to lunchtime - in the 70's - eating my pb&j

A letter.
She was told devastatingly, life-changing news through pen and paper.
No human comfort
No arms to hug her
No eyes of compassion
Just ink on parchment.

Her twin brother had committed suicide in a small hotel room in a small town…alone

Writing that down is hard.
How do you even talk about that?
Why talk about it?

Well … here I am.
Fifty years old - decades later - and it's on my mind.
Suicide … in all it's ugliness, cruelty and violence, it doesn't impact less if it's not spoken about. It impacted me. It changed my young mind and heart forever. It made me aware of a pain. I didn't understand the pain, but I knew it was there. At that moment, when my mom cried out in despair, I recognized that the world was bigger than my Brady Bunch existence.

Many people equate suicide with selfishness … and yes it is self serving in a way. But my tall, handsome, gentle, football player-built uncle was suffering with a disease of the mind.
It's called Schizophrenia.
It took me many years to put all that together.
The journey I'm on
watching my sweet family deal with a mental illness that has affected our family. Yes … not just the one diagnosed but all who love him … we're all impacted

Read  "A Beautiful Mind"

In college I did write a paper about the perceived eternal consequences of taking one's own life… my take on it was not cut and dry. My mom, in the middle of her suffocating grief, taught me the Grace of a God Who sees us, saw my uncle, sees me and mine today. I didn't understand, really, that he was not well. But it makes sense, as much sense as schizophrenia can make, now.
And intense, serious, heart touching moments speaking with my sweet boy about the struggles of his beautiful mind help bring some clarity and maybe just a touch of sense to the invisible diseases that so many suffer with.
Whether someone is consumed with dying, entertains the thought, or feels compelled to finish life on this earth. Or if they act on that driving force and commit the deed. It is suffering beyond my ability to grasp. It makes me weep, it confuses me, and it makes me profoundly grateful for Grace.

Ahhh  this is exhausting stuff.
I think I'm done for now … writing about this

Saturday, February 1, 2014

when light shines in a dark place

(just typing it makes me nauseous)
People don't always connect porn to forced labor or human trafficking
Entertainment for adults
      it's fine if it isn't hurting anyone
           … child abduction, sex slavery
What if those of us who haven't connected this
       …. did

What if a society,
      that is all about personal choice, individual rights,
actually Got it!

Global sex industry.
When you stop and think of what that is,
    what it really is,
it's astonishing that we’re not all just storming the gates of brothels, massage parlors and strip joints to rescue. But our over-sexed society we live in yells at us that
     maybe they’ve chosen this life style,
     it’s not hurting anyone,
     they’re adults - let them make up their own mind.

Okay, fine.
But have you never seen someone driving down the street, speeding just a little too fast
     you flash your lights at them to warn them that a radar gun is hiding around the corner
Have you ever poured yourself a glass of milk, only to discover it’s spoiled
     you tell your brother before he takes a drink
Or you don't
They’re able to make up their own mind
I'm not holding the radar gun
I'm not pouring the milk down their throat
Tough for them if they get a ticket, they should be driving slower.
Sorry it made you throw up … oops!

Ya, those are pretty harmless life events.
     Sour milk and speeding tickets… common events in our house

But, here's that pause again,
   what if
     …. that young woman who dances at the club,
     …. the young boy who goes to see the R rated-should-be-NC17-movie with his friends
     …. the seedy massage parlor in the strip mall filled with people who just wanted a job,
                never imagined this would be their life
  what if we stepped up.
There's risk, of course there's risk
          it’s my life, get out of my business, leave me alone, what’s your problem?

But if we don’t do something,
   it’s like we’re buying the porn magazine ourselves,
   going to the strip club with our mates - girl's night out,
   getting a really inexpensive massage,
     hiring slave labor
         hiring a little girl…

It’s like we’re saying these people are fine, no one’s being harmed.
That’s a lie!

I heard a phrase yesterday “ladyboy”
 it made my face drop,
   eyes well up with tears
     haunted my mind… confused me
Actually I’m not sure I can, or want to even process what that means.
It was explained to me that this is an issue
       little boys are raised to be ladies*
       dressed as women for prostitution with men
       to be used in the sex trade.
       sexual "enjoyment."
       adult entertainment.
               It’s my choice, it’s none of your business, leave me alone!

What am I supposed to do with this?
Now, don't forget the vulnerable that live here in North America.
I’m just now discovering who they can be
    The parentless, the abused, the abandoned.
         Ask a social worker or a foster parent or a judge in juvenile court
                 It's a huge concern ...

And then there's this ...
    sex addicts and “johns” and pedophiles.
        porn consumers, porn producers, porn actors, porn addicts
This isn’t a one-sided atrocity. This isn’t compartmentalized sin. Sin kills, it effects, it seeps in to lives and hearts. It destroys, pummels. It tricks, deceives and mocks what is created to be beautiful.
The perversion of this phrase “ladyboy” is horrendous. It perverts perversion. It says I can create you to do and be what I want to try to satisfy some thing that will only require more. Evil never satisfies. It only destroys.
The sin slope is slippery.
No one starts out at the bottom, although we are born with a sin nature
     Grace takes care of that if we accept it…
No one starts their life wanting to degrade, brutalize another human being.
But it's happening.
It's not being talked about enough.

When light shines in a dark place
When Light shines in a dark place, it dominates, eradicates the darkness
    Darkness just can not beat out Light … that's a reality!

What am I going to do now that I know this is happening?
I do know Truth, I know Love and I can share Him.
I'll ask Him to forgive me
I will write, I will warn and I will ask God to use the Light to shine through me.
I will love and I will pray …

*Some parents in Thailand and India do this for money for their families
See little-one-caught-dancing-in-galactic-genetics by Lauren Grams

If you are a victim, in any way: trapped, confused, scared, affected by this very difficult reality, please feel free to contact me at khkohler@gmail.com. 
You are very much loved!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Who Was, Who Is, Forever ...

Holy Holy Holy
   Is the Lord God Almighty
Who Was
     and Is
       and Is to come

*Either I believe it … the whole thing
 or it's all rubbish
        and I'm a fool!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come…

Holy, holy, holy 
        is the Lord God Almighty
Who was  
     and is
        and is to come …

Over and over, and over again.
Every moment of every day
  when I'm sleeping
  while I'm driving
  when I'm watching TV or writing a blog
  while sitting at a desk
         or having dinner around the table

when I'm angry
    when I'm laughing,
while I'm crying, feeling impatient, expressing love …

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come …

Holy, holy, holy
   is the Lord God Almighty,
      Who was, and is and is to come ….

When the world looks huge and insurmountable, my problems seem overwhelming
When I think I'm all that, my contentment and happiness the most important thing
When I'm frustrated, focusing on "what might happen"
    or consumed with the you've-gotta-be-kidding times in my life

It doesn't take me being aware to make something real. Truth doesn't need my permission or even my participation in order to be true!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is and is to come …

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. 
And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said,
    Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this. 
At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne. 
Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders…
From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. Before the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. 
Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures… 
Day and night they never stop saying:
     Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, 
     who was, and is, and is to come.
Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever.
They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 
     You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,
     for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being…

*I believe …

(Holy, holy, holy is my Lord, God, the Almighty One, You were before. You are right now, and You will be forever… Everything I've accomplished, anything that I am - it's Yours. I give it up, over and over again. Only You are worthy to receive any glory, any honor, all power. You are the Creator of all, You will all things in to being.
Holy, holy holy ...)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

This is gonna be a good year because ...

I have a grandaughter (-sigh-)

Holding that sweet little one is like a spa day 
                            beach day
                                    vacation day
                   coffee and cake day all rolled in to one. 

She is sweet, delicious, soft, fragile, and precious! 
Her little knees…
    ooohhh how I love baby’s little knees 
                             and their little “laps” 
Have you ever just looked at a little one's lap? Priceless!

When she stretches, 
               arching backwards with her hands clenched tight and her face all smooshed 
I just want to kiss her face and hold her tight and drink her up.
It’s like a vitamin for the soul, 
                 the best blood pressure medicine you could ever be prescribed. 
Better than a puppy, 
   or a kitten,
   or a walk on the beach when the sun is setting and the temperature is perfect. 
Better than a ride on a motorcycle through winding country roads. 
Better than coffee, hot and steamy and perfectly brewed with freshly roasted beans. 
Better than a huge slice of chocolate cake, home-made, butter cream frosting, most and chocolatey. 
Better than the first slice of coffee bread, warm out of the oven with butter on top. 

This is gonna be a good year!!