Sunday, May 10, 2015

Dear Jesus, today is a hard one

Please, God, your sweet ones who don't have a Mama, or don't know where their Mama is, love them with extravagant abundance today. There are so many who have never known the life chosen to give them life.
Mother's Day is a hard one for them.

Please bring comfort to those who have loved their Moms well, but miss them terribly today. Who ache for their hugs and their voice and their conversation and their wisdom. 
Mother's Day can be so hard.

Please comfort the Mamas who have lost their little ones or big ones way too early - much too soon for our mortal hearts to grasp. A grief that only You can understand. 
I'm so grateful you understand.

Please fill the hearts of my friends with your sustaining peace, those who have longed to be called Mom but it hasn't been theirs to hear. Thank you that they love mine as their own. 
Thank you for all the amazing aunts, friends, "big sisters." Their love and commitment is not unnoticed, by me, and definitely not by You.

And Jesus, for your sweet ones who have made some very tough choices.  Who had an opportunity to be a mom and chose to not be. They need Your outpouring grace and the love of a God Who knows it all. Understands it all. Doesn't miss a thing. Heal and restore. A new beginning.

Thank you Jesus for my Mom. A woman of grace, compassion, beauty, integrity. Her grandmother's heart, her great grandma heart, a dear friend to all who know her.

Thank you for a mother in law who loves me like her own. Who swept me into a new family when I was just a young girl. A sweet Oma, one who is a gift to our family. 

Thank you for the mom of my Man. A woman who loved him dearly and raised him well. I can't wait to dance with you in heaven.

Thank you, my Savior, that you understand today. 
Thank you for Moms.

In your name Jesus,

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